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Protesti V Ljubljani Danes V Zivo

Protesti V Ljubljani Danes V Živo

Protest in Ljubljana Today Live

Situation in Slovenia

The protests in Ljubljana, Slovenia, have been ongoing for several weeks now, and there is no sign of them stopping anytime soon. The protesters are demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Janez Janša, who they accuse of corruption and authoritarianism.

Janša has been in power since 2020, and his government has been accused of a number of abuses, including cracking down on the media, silencing critics, and eroding democratic institutions.

The protests have been largely peaceful, but there have been some violent clashes with police. On one occasion, the police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the protesters.

International Reaction

The protests in Slovenia have garnered international attention, and several countries have expressed concern about the situation.

The European Union has called on the Slovenian government to respect the right to peaceful protest and to refrain from using excessive force.

The United States has also expressed concern about the situation in Slovenia, and has urged the government to engage in dialogue with the protesters.

What's Next?

It is unclear what will happen next in Slovenia. The protesters have shown no signs of backing down, and the government seems determined to maintain its grip on power.

The situation is likely to remain tense for the foreseeable future, and there is a risk that it could escalate into violence.


The protests in Ljubljana are a sign of the growing discontent with the government of Janez Janša. The protesters are demanding change, and it is unclear whether the government will be able to meet their demands.
